Hero App

Hero is a powerful and secure online learner management system that allows Tamaoho School to:

  • Record enrolment/learner information, 
  • Record learner absences
  • Communicate clearly with whanau around schools events
  • Share/track progress around learning goals and share assessment information with you
  • Learn to make an online payment via Kindo  

If you don't have the HERO app you will miss out on key information around your child's learning/reporting and community information.

Hero Access

Hero app is a must to have at Tamaoho School. All whanau will be given access to Hero from the first day of their child starting school. If you have any queries or requests (i.e. blended families) please don’t hesitate to contact office@tamaoho.school.nz

Hero can be accessed via https://hero.linc-ed.com/ or via an App (PDF instructions can be viewed at the link below).

Online Payments

We are a 'cashless school' which means we take no cash and everything must be paid for online. We use Kindo for online payments and the money that is paid through this platform is directly linked to the school bank account. You can directly access Kindo via the Hero app but you will need to set up a Kindo account (email address and password). 

Visit the Kindo website to set up your account: