Our Learning

Our Process

The principles of the New Zealand Curriculum underpin and guide the design, implementation and evaluation of our ‘Local Curriculum’ utilising our modern learning spaces, and approaches to teaching.

We are committed to honouring the Treaty of Waitangi | Te Tiriti o Waitangi and celebrating our bi-cultural heritage of Aotearoa, through partnership, participation and protection. 

Creating, caring relationships and a sense of belonging through a supportive,  culturally inclusive learning environment, is the foundation for success at Tamaoho School. Cultural diversity and well being will be promoted and celebrated through community engagement—having Aroha for our learners and their families are at the heart of everything we do. 

Through our local curriculum at Tamaoho School, we will achieve our vision: INVOLVE ME AND I LEARN

Our vision, values, key skills, teaching approaches and learning area pathways have emerged through a community consultation process with our local community, Nga Hau e Wha Marae and Tamaoho Trust. We have also used critical educational research: 

New Zealand Curriculum, The Local Curriculum, OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030,  7 Principles of Learning (OECD 2016), Sir Ken Robinson, Bring on the Learning Revolution (2019), Statement of Intent 2018 - 2023 MOE

All this information has been synthesised to shape the direction of our new school.

Our Learners

In pursuit of our vision, both our learners and staff have collaboratively identified the essential characteristics needed to become a "Super Hero Learner" at Tamaoho School. This ensures that learners have the skills to understand how to learn, what they are learning, the purpose behind their learning (Why), and fosters a genuine love for learning.

Learning is not meant to be easy. If it were easy, true learning wouldn't occur. We utilise the Learning Pit to develop learners' understanding and use of GRIT throughout their learning, encouraging them not to give up when faced with challenges. The difficulty is intentional in ensuring genuine learning happens.

Our learners will be able to:

  • manage emotions, behaviours and explore their interests

  • be actively involved, connected and engaged in learning 

  • understand, use and transfer knowledge and skills of learning 

  • be flexible in thinking, and demonstrate grit when challenged 

  • be proud of their cultural heritage by celebrating similarities and accepting differences

Our Teachers

Our teachers will:

  • Develop a commitment to understanding the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa. 
  • Ensure learners are at the centre through planning a range of guided and scaffolded inquiry learning experiences to develop agentic learners (OECD, 7 Principles of Learning: Learners at the Centre) 
  • Ensure that learning environments are well organised and challenging to allow for positive relationships and collaboration between learners, teachers and whanau.(OECD, 7 Principles of Learning: The Social Nature of Learning) 
  • Ensure that learning is engaging and motivating to support cognitive, social development and whanau involvement (OECD, 7 Principles of Learning: Emotions are the Gatekeeper to Learning) 
  • Ensure that learning is clearly differentiated and adaptive to meet individual needs (OECD, 7 Principles of Learning: Recognising Individual Differences) 
  • Ensure all learners are challenged no matter their starting point (OECD, 7 Principles of Learning: Challenging all Learners ) 
  • Ensure assessment for learning provides clear learning expectations and meaning for learners around the why and the what of learning. Formative assessments is used constantly with learners to shape what we teach. (OECD, 7 Principles of Learning: Meaningful Feedback for Learning) 
  • Ensure that learning is not isolated and connections are made across our local curriculum, community, cultures, and the wider world to make learning authentic. (OECD, 7 Principles of Learning: Building Horizontal Connections) 

Our Curriculum

A relevant and authentic curriculum that:

  • is responsive to the needs, cultures, interests, strengths, and aspirations of our learners and their whanau 
  • has a clear focus on the progress and achievement of all learners 
  • draws on learners prior knowledge and previous experiences
  • focuses on personalised learning pathways using the foundation skills of Oral Language, Reading, Writing and Maths
  • focuses on developing and sharing knowledge  
  • develops key ‘life’ skills across the curriculum to be confident connected life long learners
  • helps learners understand and live by the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi as citizens of Aotearoa 
  • uses relevant, authentic and meaningful local, national and global issues to shape an inquiry approach 
  • uses processes to ensure that there is an ongoing review of the curriculum

Our Key Skills

At Tamaoho School, the ongoing development of four key skills will enable learners to contribute and thrive.

Ownership (Me Skills)  
Managing my feelings,  thinking, behaviour and learning.

Collaboration  (We Skills) 
Developing relationships with my friends, teachers and community to learn from others, and they learn from me. 

Grit (Will Skills)
Never giving up when it gets challenging, understanding my goals, working hard and learning from my mistakes. 

Creativity (Wonder Skills)
Using my imagination and thinking to create new ideas to solve problems. 

Information Sheets

At Tamoho School we use research and evidence to inform the best teaching and learning approaches for our learners. Our Information sheets are designed to be parent-friendly and provide some guidance to how we plan our learning at Tamaoho School. 


Please send any enquiries using the form below and someone from our leadership team will be in touch.

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How to find us

Tamaoho School is located at 36 Taikaranga Street, Pukekohe.

Phone: 09 884 9350
Email: office@tamaoho.school.nz
Principal: principal@tamaoho.school.nz